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Mobile Operators and NetworksFixed, TV and Convergence

The 5G FWA opportunity: disrupting the broadband market

5G fixed wireless access (FWA) is now a commercial reality in developed and developing countries around the world. While FWA solutions have been around for more than two decades, the massive performance improvements enabled by 5G and the use of mmWave spectrum (enabling speeds that are over 10 times that of 4G) make 5G FWA a competitive solution compared to the predominant technologies in the fixed broadband market.

This report forms part of a research series that reviews the implications and costs associated with deploying 5G FWA services in several regions around the world. In this first report, we look at the different fixed broadband technologies available in the market, providing context for the research that follows. First, we delve into the make-up of the fixed broadband market. We then provide an overview of recent developments in 5G FWA networks. Finally, we describe the key cost drivers of each technology as well as the TCO model used to inform our findings.

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