Mobile Operators and Networks
A blueprint for green networks
Energy consumption has always been a significant factor for mobile network operators, as it is one of the largest operating costs. Recently, soaring energy prices have further emphasised the importance of this topic – operators that choose to ignore this will be at risk of long-lasting competitive disadvantages.
An energy-efficient wireless network is built on site simplicity, integrated network elements, advanced passive cooling technologies and the ability to frequently harvest data from almost every part of the network and turn them into actionable insights. An energy-efficient network takes advantage of the purpose-built network elements' improved characteristics and uses about as much energy as needed at the moment without impacting user experience. Further, frequent software updates are helping network elements to improve their energy efficiency day by day. The combination of these factors can help operators to build a future-proof, energy-efficient network that improves their overall competitiveness, satisfy their customers and is also sustainable.
This report provides an overview of how operators can measure energy efficiency. It also presents a wide range of solutions for how operators can improve their energy efficiency and pitches a vision of what a blueprint for green networks can look like.