IoT and Enterprise
Enterprise Opportunity 2022
Operator strategies, plans and expectations
There is growing awareness among enterprises of the benefits of mobile technologies (such as 4G and 5G) for digital transformation. For this reason, operators are now more focused than ever in serving the enterprise sector across various industry verticals.
This report presents the latest findings of our annual operator enterprise survey, in which we asked 100 operators globally about their enterprise business strategies, including how they carry out their plans and how they critically assess emerging opportunities. Focus areas include operators strategic priorities, internal reorganisation and investment in the enterprise business. Moreover, the survey takes a deep dive into 5G, private wireless networks and IoT, in terms of assessing progress made and tracking how much of an emphasis these areas are for operators going forward in 2023 and beyond.
As enterprise 5G opens up opportunities for more market entrants, we also asked operators to evaluate competitive forces and partnership opportunities in the wider enterprise technology ecosystem. Last but not least, looking out to the future, we evaluated operator sentiment with regard to the emerging metaverse and drones opportunities.